The TOEIC® Word List that accompanies Pass the TOEIC Test contains over 1000 words that are commonly used in the TOEIC test. You can download it here free of charge. You will also find some useful tips on how to use the Word List.
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A |
ability | abroad | absolutely | accept | access | accessible |
accident | accommodate | accommodation | accomplish | accomplishment | according |
accordingly | accounting | accurate | achieve | acquire | act |
actually | adapt | adapter | additional | adequate | adjust |
adjustment | administration | admire | admit | admittance | advance |
advanced | advantage | advantageous | advertise | advertisement | advice |
advise | affect | afford | affordable | agency | agenda |
agree | agreeable | agreement | agricultural | aid | aim |
airline | aisle | alarm | allow | alternative | ambitious |
amend | amount | amusing | analysis | analyze | announcement |
annoying | annual | anticipate | anxious | apologize | appeal |
appetizer | appliance | applicant | application | apply | appoint |
appointment | appreciable | appreciate | appreciation | appreciative | apprentice |
approach | appropriate | approve | approximate | arbitrate | area |
argue | argument | arrange | arrangement | assemble | assess |
assets | assign | assignment | assist | assistance | assume |
attach | attachment | attend | attendance | attentively | attract |
audience | audit | authority | authorize | availability | available |
avoid | awareness | awkward | |||
B |
background | backpack | baggage claim | balance | bank | bankrupt |
barcode | bargain | basic | behave | belongings | beneficial |
benefit | beverage | bid | bill | binder | blanket |
block | board | boarding pass | boardroom | boast | book |
boost | bored | borrow | bother | bottom line | branch |
brand | briefcase | briefing | broadcast | broaden | browser |
brush | budget | bulletin | |||
C |
cabin crew | cafeteria | calculate | calculation | calculator | campaign |
cancel | cancellation | candidacy | candidate | capacity | capital |
career | careless | cash | cashier | cause | cautious |
celebrate | celebration | cell phone | certificate | certification | chain |
chain store | chair | chairman | chairperson | characteristic | characterize |
charge | charity | cheap | check in | check out | chef |
circumstances | claim | claimant | classification | classify | clerk |
client | climate | closure | coach | code | collect |
commence | commission | commit | committee | common | commonly |
commute | commuter | company | comparable | compare | compatible |
compensate | compensation | competent | competition | competitive | competitor |
complain | complaint | complete | complex | complexity | compliment |
complimentary | comply | comprehensive | compromise | compulsory | concede |
concern | conclude | conclusion | concourse | condition | conduct |
confirm | confirmation | confusion | connect | connection | consequence |
consider | considerable | consignment | consist | consistent | consistently |
constant | constantly | construction | consult | consultant | consume |
consumer | contain | container | continual | continuation | continue |
contribute | contribution | control | control panel | convenient | conveniently |
convince | convincing | corporate | corporation | cost | counter |
courier | cover letter | coverage | coworker | crash | credentials |
credit | criteria | critical | criticize | crowd | crowded |
crucial | cruise | currency | current | custom | customer |
customs | cutting edge | cycle | |||
D |
daily | damage | deadline | deal | debit | debt |
decision | decorate | decrease | dedicate | deduct | defect |
defective | definite | definitely | degree | delay | delete |
delight | delighted | deliver | delivery | demand | demanding |
demonstrate | depart | department | departure | depend on | dependence |
deposit | description | designate | desperate | dessert | destination |
detail | detailed | detect | deterioration | determine | determined |
develop | developer | development | device | diagnose | differential |
director | disagree | disagreement | disappointing | disconnect | discount |
discrepancy | discrimination | discuss | discussion | dish | dismiss |
dismissive | display | disposable | dispose | dispute | disruption |
distinctive | distinguish | distribute | distribution | dividend | document |
donate | donation | double | download | downsize | downturn |
downward | dramatic | drastic | drastically | draw | drawer |
drive | drop | dull | duration | duty-free | |
E |
earn | earnings | economical | economize | economy | effective |
effectively | effectiveness | efficiency | efficient | efficiently | elderly |
electrical | elevator | embark | emergency | emphasize | emphasize |
employ | employee | employer | employment | enable | enclose |
encourage | endurance | endure | engineer | engineering | enhance |
enroll | ensure | enterprise | enthusiastic | enthusiastically | entitlement |
entrée | environment | environmental | equivalent | essential | estimate |
evaluate | event | evidence | evolve | exact | examination |
examine | excel | excellent | excursion | executive | exhibit |
expand | expansion | expect | expectation | expenditure | expense |
expensive | experience | experienced | experiment | exploration | explore |
express | extend | extension | external | ||
F |
facilities | facility | factor | factory | fail | failure |
fair | famed | fare | fault | faulty | favor |
fax | feature | fee | feedback | field | figure |
file | fill out | finance | financial | firm | fix |
flexible | flight | flight attendant | fluctuate | fluctuation | focus |
focused | fold | folder | force | forecast | foreign |
forget | forgetful | form | forward | founded | frank |
frankly | fuel | fulfill | function | functional | fundraising |
furniture | further | ||||
G |
gesture | goal | goods | gradually | grievance | grill |
growth | guarantee | guidelines | |||
H |
haggle | handle | handy | harbor | harmful | hazardous |
head office | headquarters | hesitate | hesitation | hide | highlight |
highly | hike | hire | hold | homepage | host |
I |
identification | identify | imaginative | immediate | immediately | impact |
impatient | implement | imply | impression | improper | improve |
improvement | incentive | inclined | include | inclusion | income |
inconvenience | increase | indicate | indication | individual | individually |
inexperienced | infer | inflate | inflation | influence | influential |
information | input | inquiry | install | installation | insurance |
insure | intend | intention | intently | intern | internal |
international | internship | interrupt | interview | invaluable | invent |
invention | inventory | invest | investigate | investigation | investment |
invite | invoice | isolate | issue | item | itemize |
itinerary | |||||
J |
jealous | jeopardize | jeopardy | jobless | join | joint |
journal | journey | judge | justice | justification | justify |
K |
keen | keep | knock | know | knowledge | knowledgeable |
L |
label | labor | lack | landlord | laptop | launch |
law | lay off | leak | lean | lease | leisure |
lend | liability | license | licensing | lie | limited |
limousine | list | livestock | loan | lobby | local |
locate | log on | log out | loyal | luggage | luxurious |
luxury | |||||
M |
maintain | maintenance | major | manage | managerial | mandatory |
manufacture | manufacturing | marketing | mechanic | medic | medical |
medication | medicine | meeting | membership | memo | memorandum |
mention | merchandise | mere | merge | merger | mileage |
million | mishear | misleading | misrepresent | monitor | monument |
mortgage | motivate | motivation | |||
N |
napkin | narrow | narrowing | neighborhood | network | nominate |
nomination | notice | notify | |||
O |
objection | objective | obligation | oblige | obtain | obviously |
occupation | occur | officer | official | onward | operate |
operation | opinion | opportunity | optimistic | order | organization |
organize | organized | original | outline | outlook | outstanding |
overall | overdraft | overseas | overtime | overview | owe |
P |
package | package tour | parcel | parking lot | participant | particularly |
passenger | patent | patented | patience | payment | perform |
performance | permanent | permission | permit | personal | personalized |
personnel | persuade | pessimistic | plant | platform | pleasant |
plow | plug in | plumber | point | pointless | policy |
polite | politician | politics | poll | pollute | popular |
popularity | position | postpone | postponement | potential | power |
practical | practically | predict | predictable | prefer | preference |
premises | prepare | present | presentation | press | prevent |
prevention | price | priceless | principal | principle | priority |
private | probability | probably | probationary | process | profession |
professional | profile | profit | profitability | profitable | progress |
progressive | prohibit | project | promote | promotion | prompt |
promptly | properly | property | protect | protection | publicity |
publicize | purchase | purpose | pursue | ||
Q |
qualification | qualified | qualify | questionnaire | quotation | quote |
R |
raise | range | rare | rate | rational | raw materials |
reach | realize | rearrange | reasonable | reasonably | receipt |
receive | recent | reception | receptive | recipe | recognize |
recommend | recommendation | recruit | recruitment | reduce | reduction |
redundant | refrigerator | refund | refundable | refusal | refuse |
regarding | regardless | regional | register | registration | regret |
regular | regularly | regulate | rehearse | reject | relax |
relaxation | release | relevant | remain | remarkable | remind |
reminder | remittance | remove | remuneration | renovate | renovation |
rent | repair | repayment | repetitive | replace | replacement |
report | represent | representative | request | require | requirement |
reschedule | rescue | resemble | reservation | reserve | resign |
resist | resolve | respect | respectable | respectful | respond |
responsibility | responsible | restore | restructure | résumé | retail |
retire | retirement | review | revise | revised | right away |
rival | roadside | roughly | route | runway | |
S |
salary | sale | salvage | sample | satisfactory | satisfied |
satisfy | save | scene | scenery | schedule | scrutinize |
search engine | secluded | secretarial | secretary | select | selection |
selective | seminar | senior | serious | service | several |
shape | sharp | shift | shine | shipment | shipping |
shortage | shuttle | sightseeing | significant | simplify | situation |
slump | software | solar | spacious | spare part | spare time |
specialize | specialty | specification | specify | spectator | stable |
stadium | staff | stapler | stare | starter | stationery |
steep | stock | strategic | strategy | streamline | strike |
studio | submit | subscribe | subscription | subsidiary | suggest |
suggestion | suit | suitability | suitable | supervise | supervision |
supplier | supply | support | supporter | surrounding | suspicious |
switchboard | systematic | ||||
T |
takeover | target | tax | technical | technician | temporary |
tenant | terminate | terrible | terrific | theoretical | theory |
thorough | tidy | tip | tour | tourism | tourist |
towel | tower | track | trade | tradition | traffic |
training | transfer | transform | transformation | transit | transportation |
tremendous | trend | trial | triumph | trust | turnover |
U |
unconditional | understand | unfavorable | unfortunately | uniform | unspoiled |
unwrap | upcoming | update | upgrade | upset | upstairs |
utility bill | |||||
V |
vacancy | vacant | vacation | vaccination | valuables | varied |
variety | various | vendor | venture | venue | virus |
vital | |||||
W |
wage | walkway | warehouse | warn | warning | warrant |
warranty | wastage | waterproof | wealth | website | weight |
welfare | wholesale | win | withdraw | withdrawal | workplace |
workshop | worth | worthless | wrap | ||
X |
X-ray | |||||
Y |
yearly | yield | youth | |||
Z |
zero | zone |